Updated 194 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 12056230 (CH)
- Age: 5 years
- ID: 53447459/6
24a East Street, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1DB. England
• 15200 - Manufacture of footwear
• 46420 - Wholesale of clothing and footwear
WUZZOS is a direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand who manufacture and ship straight to the end user without relying on a third party. The result is a superior end-to-end customer experience that delivers premium quality products at a lower retail price than most established consumer brands... After 20 years experience of developing Sailing footwear and apparel for big brands, Wuzzos was established to have the freedom of developing the very best products in the world, without any constraint that might compromise quality or performance... WUZZOS brings together a team of people who have spent their career entrenched in product designed to perform and protect when subjected to the elements of the outdoor arena. There is no compromise on the quality of materials and components selected for integration into our products. We represent a passion for our outdoor sports and continue to compete in order to expand our understanding of the kit required for optimum performance regardless of the level..
Also known as: WUZZOS LTD
Registration numbers: 12056230 (CH)
VAT numbers: 335 3474 04