Updated 20 days ago
228 Hamilton Avenue, 3rd Floor Palo Alto, CA 94301
FinChainPay is built on patented distributed payment routing technology that delivers low-cost, lightning-fast, and ultra-secure confirmation and settlement...
Imagine just having to provide a QR code to complete a sale and save your business up to 1.5% in merchant card fees. Get money in your bank account in real time at payment confirmation. FinChainPay was built to help merchants get paid quicker with lower fees...
FinChainPay provides ultra-secure and flexible payment choices for consumers and businesses. Your payments can be linked to any of your checking, savings, loans, or even credit accounts. Simply scan the FinChainPay-generated QR code provided by the merchant and choose your payment method. How easy is that?
Also known as: FinChain