Updated 906 days ago
- Age: 35 years
- ID: 53391240/2
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21 50668 Cologne, Germany
IW Consult - aligned with a powerful industry association as the consulting arm of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research - provides commissioned research and highly specialized research services for businesses, associations, government ministries, foundations, and public institutions. At the interface between theory and practice, IW Consult develops custom end-to-end solutions to address important economic and social policy issues...
This "Industry 4.0 Readiness" study was commissioned by the IMPULS Foundation of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and conducted by IW Consult (a subsidiary of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research) and the Institute for Industrial Management (FIR) at RWTH Aachen University. VDMA experts and some industry representatives served in an advisory capacity in the development of the study.
Also known as: IW Consult GmbH
Registration numbers: HRB 30889 (W), VR1191 (W)
VAT numbers: DE 121 684 389, DE197824529
Associated domains: industrie40-quebec.ca