Updated 75 days ago
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Learn more about Vanguard University, a diverse, Christian university located in Orange County, California, and apply today for one of our unique undergraduate, graduate or professional studies programs... Vanguard University is a private, coeducational, comprehensive university of liberal arts and professional studies that believes its Spirit-empowered Christian community provides a supportive and challenging environment in which to pursue a quality education. The University assumes that it is essential to offer educational opportunity within a context of free inquiry and academic integrity. Vanguard University is a community that encourages individual integrity and responsibility in accordance with biblical Christianity and its social and ethical implications... At Vanguard, we will prepare you to be successful in a rapidly-changing and dynamic business landscape by helping you discover your unique strengths and abilities. While taking innovative classes and gaining a well-rounded..
Also known as: Vanguard
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