Updated 336 days ago
Step into our vision-a world where every child, regardless of circumstance, has unbridled access to quality education. We envision a future where potential knows no bounds and where the cycle of generational poverty is shattered. Our vision is not just a dream; it's a blueprint-a relentless pursuit to create a society where access is not a privilege but a birthright... The history of Sootchy Charitable Foundation is written in the stories of transformed lives and reshaped destinies. From our inception, we've leveraged our 501(c)3 status to engage non-profit organizations, foundations, and donor-advised funds in a symphony of change... As trustees and custodians of hope, we administer the Sootchy Education Program with a singular focus-ensuring compliance with all program restrictions and crafting a legacy of impact that echoes through generations. Our history is a testament to the pursuit of a world where every child's higher education potential is supported by the necessary..