QUANTUM - History of Changes

2024-08-04 update robots_txt_status www.quantumsas.com: 404 => 200
2024-03-26 delete otherexecutives Bruce Hopkin
2024-03-26 insert general_emails en..@quantum-gs.com
2024-03-26 delete about_pages_linkeddomain quantum-connected.com
2024-03-26 delete address 1st Floor Knowle House Knowle, Solihull B93 0HN United Kingdom
2024-03-26 delete address 307 Euston Road London NW1 3AD
2024-03-26 delete address Quantum Lisbon Av. da República 50 1050-196 Lisboa
2024-03-26 delete address Somerset House 37 Temple Street Birmingham B2 5DP
2024-03-26 delete alias Quantum Group Solutions Limited
2024-03-26 delete email pm..@quantumsas.com
2024-03-26 delete person Aadil Azis
2024-03-26 delete person Alisha Fletcher
2024-03-26 delete person Aman Joshi
2024-03-26 delete person Bruce Hopkin
2024-03-26 delete person Cressida Johns
2024-03-26 delete person Prithik Kachela
2024-03-26 delete person Robert Lanigan
2024-03-26 delete person Simon Freeman
2024-03-26 delete person Steve Bignell
2024-03-26 delete person Thomas Grant
2024-03-26 delete person Zeynep Dogan
2024-03-26 delete registration_number 03920626
2024-03-26 delete vat 747734205
2024-03-26 insert address Corner Oak 1 Homer Road Solihull B91 3QG
2024-03-26 insert address Corner Oak 1 Homer Road Solihull B91 3QG United Kingdom
2024-03-26 insert alias Quantum Global Search Ltd
2024-03-26 insert email en..@quantum-gs.com
2024-03-26 insert email tw..@quantum-gs.com
2024-03-26 insert phone +44 (0)121 828 7112
2024-03-26 insert registration_number 15394918
2024-03-26 update primary_contact Somerset House, 37 Temple Street, Birmingham, B2 5DP => Corner Oak, 1 Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3QG
2024-03-15 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 15/03/24, WITH UPDATES
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Aadil Azis
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Alisha Fletcher
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Aman Joshi
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Cressida Johns
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Prithik Kachela
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Robert Lanigan
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Simon Freeman
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Steve Bignell
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Thomas Grant
2023-10-17 delete otherexecutives Zeynep Dogan
2023-10-17 delete address 7 Commercial Street Mailbox Birmingham B1 1RS
2023-10-17 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com.ua
2023-10-17 insert address Somerset House 37 Temple Street Birmingham B2 5DP
2023-10-17 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2023-10-17 update person_title Aadil Azis: Group Managing Director; Partner => Partner
2023-10-17 update person_title Alisha Fletcher: Group Managing Director; Global Executive Search Consultant => Senior Research Consultant
2023-10-17 update person_title Aman Joshi: Group Managing Director; Consultant => Consultant
2023-10-17 update person_title Cressida Johns: Senior Executive Search Consultant; Group Managing Director => Senior Search Consultant
2023-10-17 update person_title Prithik Kachela: Recruitment Consultant; Executive; Group Managing Director => Recruitment Consultant; Executive; Consultant
2023-10-17 update person_title Robert Lanigan: Search Consultant; Group Managing Director => Search Consultant
2023-10-17 update person_title Simon Freeman: Group Managing Director; Head of Engineering and Technology => Head of Engineering and Technology
2023-10-17 update person_title Steve Bignell: Group Managing Director; Head of Talent and Project Management => Head of Talent; Head of Talent and Project Management
2023-10-17 update person_title Thomas Grant: Global Executive Search Consultant; Group Managing Director; Researcher => Research Consultant; Researcher
2023-10-17 update person_title Zeynep Dogan: Senior Research Consultant; Group Managing Director => Senior Research Consultant
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Aadil Azis
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Alisha Fletcher
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Aman Joshi
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Cressida Johns
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Prithik Kachela
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Robert Lanigan
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Simon Freeman
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Steve Bignell
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Thomas Grant
2023-08-11 insert otherexecutives Zeynep Dogan
2023-08-11 insert person Aadil Azis
2023-08-11 insert person Alisha Fletcher
2023-08-11 insert person Aman Joshi
2023-08-11 insert person Cressida Johns
2023-08-11 insert person Prithik Kachela
2023-08-11 insert person Robert Lanigan
2023-08-11 insert person Simon Freeman
2023-08-11 insert person Steve Bignell
2023-08-11 insert person Thomas Grant
2023-08-11 insert person Zeynep Dogan
2023-08-11 update person_description Pauline McGuirk => Pauline McGuirk
2023-07-09 insert otherexecutives Bruce Hopkin
2023-07-09 insert person Bruce Hopkin
2023-07-09 update person_description Omar Carr => Omar Carr
2023-07-09 update person_description Tony Wright => Tony Wright
2022-09-20 insert address 307 Euston Road London NW1 3AD
2022-09-20 insert address 7 Commercial Street Mailbox Birmingham B1 1RS
2022-09-20 insert address Quantum Lisbon Av. da República 50 1050-196 Lisboa
2022-03-17 delete general_emails he..@quantum-connected.com
2022-03-17 delete email he..@quantum-connected.com
2022-03-17 insert email oc..@quantumsas.com
2021-12-13 delete service_pages_linkeddomain oneblackbear.com
2021-12-13 insert alias Quantum SAS
2021-09-21 insert general_emails he..@quantum-connected.com
2021-09-21 delete email oc..@quantumsas.com
2021-09-21 insert email he..@quantum-connected.com
2021-08-21 update robots_txt_status www.quantumsas.com: 200 => 404
2021-06-17 update person_description Omar Carr => Omar Carr
2021-06-17 update person_description Pauline McGuirk => Pauline McGuirk
2021-06-17 update person_description Tony Wright => Tony Wright
2021-03-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2021-03-31 delete source_ip
2021-03-31 delete source_ip
2021-03-31 delete source_ip
2021-03-31 delete source_ip
2021-03-31 insert source_ip
2021-02-05 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-05-27 delete email br..@axisfirst.co.uk
2019-05-27 insert email dp..@quantumsas.com
2019-04-19 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-03-21 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-03-07 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-02-09 update website_status EmptyPage => FlippedRobots
2017-12-07 update website_status FlippedRobots => EmptyPage
2017-11-27 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2017-10-07 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2017-08-30 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2017-06-05 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2017-05-05 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2016-06-19 delete email jf..@quantum-people.com
2016-06-19 delete person Julian Farmer
2015-03-26 delete otherexecutives Pauline McGuirk
2015-03-26 delete email cp..@quantum-people.com
2015-03-26 insert email jf..@quantum-people.com
2015-03-26 insert email pd..@quantum-people.com
2015-03-26 insert email pm..@quantum-people.com
2015-03-26 update person_title Pauline McGuirk: Director => Recruitment
2015-03-26 update robots_txt_status www.quantum-people.com: 404 => 200
2015-03-26 update robots_txt_status www.quantumsas.com: 404 => 200
2014-11-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain civicuk.com
2014-11-09 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain civicuk.com
2014-11-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain civicuk.com
2014-11-09 delete management_pages_linkeddomain civicuk.com
2014-11-09 delete service_pages_linkeddomain civicuk.com
2014-11-09 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain civicuk.com
2014-06-16 delete source_ip
2014-06-16 delete source_ip
2014-06-16 delete source_ip
2014-06-16 delete source_ip
2014-06-16 insert source_ip
2014-06-16 insert source_ip
2014-06-16 insert source_ip
2014-06-16 insert source_ip
2014-01-13 delete source_ip
2014-01-13 insert source_ip
2014-01-13 insert source_ip
2014-01-13 insert source_ip
2014-01-13 insert source_ip