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14600 Sherman Way Suite 100A Los Angeles, CA 91405
SHARP MEDICAL EVALUATORS (SME) is a fully integrated med-legal company, staffed with a team of experienced evaluators and professionals, specializing in California workers' compensation evaluations. SME provides patient examinations on behalf of both applicant and defense attorneys through an impartial lens and has earned the reputation for providing clear, ethical, and ratable reports of the highest order of quality. SME reports are derived from thorough analysis of causation and apportionment based on scientific evidence... Sharp Medical Evaluators (SME) aims to deliver the highest order of quality medical-legal services in the state of California. Our primary focus is to offer QME, AME, SIBTF and IME evaluations in all medical and surgical specialties. Our doctors are trained to deliver honest, timely, and evidence-based reports to help resolve disputed claims. When issues are debatable or in doubt, SME obtains the appropriate diagnostic studies to objectively determine the extent..