PICOTEAM - Key Persons

Dr. Jürgen Hagmann

Job Titles:
  • Global Team Leader

Dr. Klaus Droppelmann

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Dr. Maria Nassuna Musoke

Maria Nassuna-Musoke's has, since 2003, been actively engaged and hence accumulated a lot of experience in facilitating change processes. Her current interests are in facilitation of group processes for team building, strategic planning, facilitation, process documentation, design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation processes for projects as well as training in agricultural and social related matters. Maria has 13 years experience as a trainer at university level and six years with rural communities. She has conducted training in Uganda and other African countries. Her key competences include facilitation, design and implementation of M&E processes, strategic planning, training and facilitation and process documentation. Maria did her PhD studies at the Institute of Crop and Animal Production in the Tropics & Subtropics, University of Göttingen, Germany from 1998 to 2002. She looked at the effects of humid tropical environment on the reproductive physiology of imported Friesian cows. Earlier she had undertaken a M.Sc. training in Animal Reproductive Physiology, at the Graduate School of Tropical Veterinary Science, James Cook University, North Queensland, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, from Makerere University, Uganda. Maria underwent a comprehensive Competence Development Course in "Personal Mastery and Soft Skills" after which she also participated in a "Training of Trainers" (TOT) in Personal Mastery and Soft Skills (PMSS) from 2003 to 2004. In June 2007 she was trained as a Trainer of Trainers (TOT) in Agricultural, Science, Technology and Innovation (ASTI) organised by the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (ACP-EU/CTA) and RUFORUM.

Dr. Paul Kibwika - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Team Leader
  • Team Leader PICO Uganda
Paul Kibwika is one of the founder members of PICOTEAM and is the Team Leader of PICO-Uganda Ltd. Since five years ago, Paul Kibwika has extensively and intensively engaged in facilitating and documenting learning and change processes in organisations. He engages in such processes of organisational transformation as an action researcher who seeks to see the impact of his engagement. Broadly, capacity building is a major focal area of his professional practice. His recent book on Learning to make change: developing innovation competence in recreating the African University of the 21. century explains efforts to make the African university more innovative and responsive to community needs and the challenges posed by sustainability. Paul Kibwika obtained his PhD in 2007 in Social Science at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He is also a senior lecturer and researcher in the Department of Agricultural Extension/Education, Makerere University, Uganda where he has served for over thirteen years now. His research interest is in the social dimensions of agrarian development particularly, local organisations development and empowerment; agricultural innovation systems; and transformative learning. In pursuance of these interests, he believes in people's capabilities to solve their own problems as a core value. Accordingly he applies facilitative approaches to enhancing people's space and confidence to act as they respond to challenges and opportunities in their environment.

Edward Chuma - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Edward is a founder member of PICO-Southern Africa. He is involved with the facilitation of workshops and seminars, design and implementation of action research, design and facilitation of training and competence development programs. Edward is one of the PICOTEAM core members involved in the support of Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia staff to operationalize the Participatory Extension/Development Approach (PEA/PDA) in their project. He is also involved in the development of a number of cases of integrated natural resources management in the Southern Africa region. He is finalizing a research project on sustainable wetland management with sites in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa

Henning Peter

Job Titles:
  • Responsible Team Manager
  • Team Leader Latin America
  • Team Leader Latin America / Managing Director
Henning's major interests in the past few years have centred on facilitating change in local communities and service provider organisations. He focuses on local organisational development, integrated natural resource management and process & project management in the context of sustainable rural development. He has long-term experiences in projects of bilateral cooperation in Latin America, where he has managed participatory forest management and integrated watershed management projects in Chile, Brazil and the Dominican Republic since the early nineties together with public, private and the NGO sector organisations. Henning also has short-term experience in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia Chile, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and South Africa. He has joined PICOTEAM in 2005 after his long-term assignment in the Dominican Republic and is presently managing the organisation. Besides his work in training, management, coaching and backstopping of PICO staff involved in long- and short-term consultancies, he has also joined project preparation and evaluation missions for GTZ, KfW and UNDP. Since 2007 he is engaged in forest certification according to the FSC scheme and also in private sector small-scale investments in sustainable forestry.Henning pursues an integrated approach in his work where he tries to bring together social, economic and technical dimensions as well as policy and institutional issues when dealing with the development challenges in his fields of practice. Henning was originally trained at the Technical University of Weihenstephan, Germany as a Forest Engineer, and in addition did a second M.Sc. in "Participatory Forest Management and Extension" at the University of Reading, United Kingdom.

Joe Ramaru

Job Titles:
  • Soil Scientist
  • Team Leader PICO Southern Africa
Joe Ramaru's current interests at heart are in innovation processes, local organisation development and stakeholder platforms. He perceives himself as a facilitator of change processes at all levels, in particular supporting the implementing organisation with quality backstopping to address the issues identified and prioritised.

PICO América Latina

PICO América Latina is is PICO's regional chapter in Latin America. We offer a wide range of high quality services. The branch is run by a team of experienced professionals who have been working in the context of national and international development cooperation. This team aspires to facilitate positive change of rural people, local organisations, rural communities, as well as within service providers. PICO América Latina offers innovative services and adapts methodologies applied to the particular situation and needs of each client / partner. We link our objectives with other organisations and teams of development professionals with whom we share the same philosophy and working approach. We continuously improve the quality of the services offered through sharing of experiences with other PICOTEAM members, associated consultants and development partners. Our offer centres on consulting services in the context of Local Development in rural areas.

PICO Southern Africa

Job Titles:
  • Team Leader PICO Southern Africa