Updated 920 days ago
1 Maybury Gardens Willesden London NW10 2NB
Shlepp Entertainment Ltd also helps you develop your business and products. Although we specialise in the entertainment industry we work with business and individuals in other areas from fashion to sport and health... Started by Artist, producer and songwriter Stephen Ellis AKA Stevie Eagle E or Eagle E, Shlepp has its hands in all areas of the entertainment industry while remaining independent. We work with dedicated professional partners to produce and expose our projects, artists, and media. We also work with all the major names and businesses in the entertainment industry... We do not pretend to be perfect. We do not pretend to have the answer to all of life's problems. We stand for the people including them in what we do and giving them back in every way we can from the beginning. We are the Lokos of Da Favela Family. We Give, we love, we drink, we play, we help, we rap, we sing, we fight, we teach we are the Favela and the Favela is us. We use our music and what it gives us to..
Registration numbers: 5283134 (W)