Updated 484 days ago
- Age: 27 years
- ID: 52725317/1
1526 Chandler Street Madison, WI
LEO is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in 1997 by its president, Michael Arny, to advance sustainability and environmental improvement. At that time, Michael Arny was the Co-Chair of the Wisconsin State Committee that had developed a state-wide emissions inventory and reduction cost study that covered all emissions sources in Wisconsin, including those that affect climate and human health. This study documented the need for action to reduce emissions and the tremendous practical opportunities that exist for reducing these emissions... LEO is dedicated to advancing sustainability by leveraging innovative tools and information to motivate the competitive market. By utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability strategies, education, and implementation, we strive to make sustainability practical for everyone... LEO provides comprehensive sustainability consultant services that help companies and organizations understand, quantify, manage and..
Associated domains: cleanerandgreener.org