Updated 2 days ago
P.O Box 131, Redlands, CA 92373
It's the California dream to have a swimming pool for fun-filled days with family and friends enjoying backyard barbeques, parties, and swimming. However, along with the wonderful benefits of having your own swimming pool, spa, and water slides comes the ever-present dangers of children gaining access to your pool area unnoticed and accidentally drowning. California Pool Guard is the most trusted name in California for Removable Mesh Swimming Pool Fencing serving pool-owners in all California communities from San Diego County in Southern California to Sacramento County, northern California, to the desert cities of Palm Springs... Californians love their swimming pools, for year-round recreation, entertainment and exercise. However, along with the many benefits of backyard pools, spas and water features comes the ever present issue of swimming pool safety. California Pool Guard has the perfect climb-resistant pool-fencing system with lockable gates to help keep your children and pets..
Also known as: California Pool