Updated 1025 days ago
14280 Military Trail, #7501 Delray Beach, FL 33482 USA
Earning an accredited high school diploma online from Ambrose Bay High School is convenient and affordable. Whether you are an adult learner, a student who was unable to finish their high school, a homeschooled student or an international student who wants a Florida High School Standard Diploma, we are the premiere school of choice. At ABHS, you can study at home or on the go, and at a pace that's right for you. As an ABHS student, you're never alone: our online community, expert instructors, and support staff provide a system to help you succeed. And our complimentary transcript review service will help you find out how many prior credits you can use towards earning your standard high school diploma online from ABHS... Get all the opportunities you deserve for both career and education. At Ambrose Bay High School, we help remove the barriers that stand between you and a diploma. In fact, a high school education has never been closer... Ambrose Bay High School provides programs and..
Also known as: ABHS Directory, Ambrose Bay High School Inc.