FORENSIC HR - Key Persons

Dale Kennett

Job Titles:
  • ER & IR Specialist
  • Managing Director, Principal:
Dale is an ER & IR specialist qualified and licensed to be your FairWork representative. He's an expert at seeing things from all sides, and designing the best, compliant, game plan for the outcomes you want. He'll readily undertake the investigation and review process, and can negotiate with the FairWork Commission on your behalf. When emotions are running high between employee and employer, he provides an unbiased, level headed approach, ensuring no stone goes unturned to get you the best result possible.

Nicole Morawski

Job Titles:
  • Business Coach, Mentor :
I hit some real lows. Nicole's process took all those ideas and brought them into easy, achievable steps." Nicole was born in WA and has had a varied career working in sales and administration. Particular strengths and experience as Chief Financial Controller of medium organisations, running all aspects of accounts and management of payroll and compliance with awards and has trained specific skills to both Mentor and Coach personnel in personal and business objectives. With a passion to make business policies and contracts fun, Nicole really focusses on each business, their employees and the value systems to create the best safeguard! Nicole enjoys working with Companies and Personnel that thrive on self-efficacy, set specific goals, and take actions to reach them. Nicole has an innate ability to look at an end goal with big picture thinking and then reverse engineer processes required to take manageable steps that won't overwhelm.