877-WE-SERV-U - Key Persons
Job Titles:
- General Clerk / Process Server
16 years industry experience. Fun Fact: Chris is a real zoophilist (no, that doesn't mean he visits the zoo)…and the proud father of two adopted cats.
Job Titles:
- General Clerk / Messenger
2 years industry experience. Fun fact: Daniel loves to create sci fi illustrations. A few of his drawings might even be considered for the office walls.
7 years industry experience. Fun fact: Irene LOVES to travel. You name it, she's been there…or at least wants to be there!
9 years industry experience. Fun fact: Jason is a huge sports fan…atic!! AND he's a good sport about everything else.
Job Titles:
- Company President
- President of United Process Service, Inc
Joel Stuart Graber has been the President of United Process Service, Inc. since 1975. As the son and brother of process servers, Joel spent over ten years in the industry as a typist, account representative, and process server himself before purchasing United Process Service at the young age of 24. Starting out with one part-time employee and a single typewriter, UPSI has grown over the years - to a full-fledged team of highly trained, knowledgeable, and hard-working staff, utilizing the fastest and latest computer technology to better serve UPSI clients.
51 years industry experience. Yes, 51! Fun fact: Joel loves a good game of golf (and even a bad game too). His preferred toy is a drone. If he happens to know your location, look up…he might be spying.
35 years industry experience. Former director of NYSPPSA. Fun fact: Joey is an avid music lover, sports fan and beachgoer. How he managed to win an MVP award without ever winning a game of golf remains a mystery.
Chief Judge Janet DiFiore noted that nonessential personal appearances in civil courts are on hold temporarily, with only select in-person emergency matters continuing to be heard in criminal, family and housing court. Since Judges are being relied upon to resolve cases in virtual courts, the continued focus will be on the expansion of the courts' virtual capacities.
New York Chief Judge Janet DiFiore, in her recent State of the Judiciary speech, explained the court system changes that will most likely remain in place post-pandemic. She also talked about the proposal, which has won government and legal community support, to simplify New York's complex trial court system. To learn more, check out this NYLJ article.
Job Titles:
- Senior Data Entry Specialist
13 years industry experience. Fun fact: You'll have to know Lloyd personally to learn of his many hidden talents.
28 years industry experience. Fun fact: Neida is at the epicenter of dancing, music and family. These are her lifeblood.