Updated 54 days ago
It may be a function of the positions that he has held, the companies he has chosen to work for, or simply the law of attraction selecting the right man for the job - but Bongani Nqwababa has a somewhat heroic reputation as Mr. Crisis Management... Mr. Bongani Nqwababa, BAcc (Honours), FCA, MBA is a South African with over 30 years global experience in the energy, mining and petrochemical sectors, Mr. Nqwababa holds an Honours degree in Accounting from the University of Zimbabwe and qualified as a chartered accountant in Zimbabwe in 1991, after training with Price Waterhouse Coopers. He also obtained a Master's Degree in Business Administration with Merit jointly awarded by the Universities of Manchester and Wales, Bangor in 1999. He was Joint-Chief Executive Officer and Joint-President at Sasol Ltd and Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of Shell Southern Africa, Eskom Limited, Anglo American Platinum and Sasol Limited. He is the founder of BN Africa Capital (Pty) Ltd..
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