Updated 659 days ago
3011 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 500, Detroit, MI 48202
United Way for Southeastern Michigan is committed to deconstructing systemic racism and institutional bias while promoting diversity, equity and inclusion as a core value in every aspect of our work...
We know the power of coming together to take care of each other in times of crisis. Through this fund, United Way is working to ensure that whenever disaster strikes, families and front-line organizations have a place to turn for immediate support and recovery. Your support help makes this possible...
At United Way, we mobilize a network of hundreds of partners and thousands of donors, advocates and volunteers to advance equitable communities where households are stable and children thrive.
Also known as: United Way, United Way for Southeastern Michigan
Associated domains: liveunitedsem.org, standwithunitedway.org, unitedwaycrisisfund.org, unitedwayequitychallenge.com, unitedwayequitychallenge.org, unitedwaysem.org