Updated 618 days ago
14642 Newport Ave, Suite 105, Tustin, CA 92780
Combining over 75 years' experience in traditional, regenerative, and alternative therapies with cutting edge research and technology, LUZWave was first conceived as a Physical Medicine and Holistic Therapy Center incorporating Physical Therapy, Acupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) as a single point of entry for Integrated Pain and Rehabilitation Management. LUZWave is loosely translated as "light wave," based on the laser therapy that anchors our center...
LUZwave Arts of Healing, Inc. began when a group of colleagues working as practitioners and service providers in the medical, spa, pain management and wellness industries recognized a growing desire and need for a more innovative and unified approach to holistic care that empowers us in our journey to alleviate, manage and prevent pain.
Also known as: Luzwave, Inc.