Erick Danneman

After graduating from the University of Phoenix's Clinical Mental Health Graduate Program Erick joined our team at the Syracuse Center for Couples & Families (SCCF). He is known for his eagerness as a counselor serving others and remains committed to helping to make the world a better place by supporting people in improving their daily lives.

Trampas J (TJ) Rowden

Originally from Arizona, TJ is the oldest of four siblings, and is married to Becky. He is a proud "Daddy" to Haylea, James, Sterling, and Ellie. TJ's personal interests and hobbies include many things - a sort of "Jack of all Trades, Master-enough of Those I Want To Be." A sample of current interests and activities includes: fly tying and fishing, camping, various sports (his own and with his kids), cycling (both road and mountain), reading, and spending quality time with his wife, family, & friends. Tj also actively serves his local community via faith and intervention opportunities to ensure involvement and impact close to home.