Updated 106 days ago
Charitable Incorporated Organisation
- Active - CE031023 (CH)
- Age: 2 years
- ID: 51335847/19
Charity No. 1201419, Waterleat, Ashburton, Devon, TQ13 7HU
Founded in 1988, the Barn Owl Trust is a small national charity working very hard to conserve one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. Anyone who has ever watched a wild Barn Owl hunting at dusk has surely been touched by the experience. Sadly, these magical birds have become increasingly rare - and the reasons are all man-made. Lack of food due to intensive farming, the loss of roost and nest sites, road mortality and rat poison, are the main factors to blame...
The Barn Owl Trust - Conserving the Barn Owl and its Environment - a small UK charity working very hard to conserve one of the most beautiful birds on earth...
Our Trust was founded in the 1980's by a small group of volunteers who believed not only that we can reverse Barn Owl decline through practical conservation work, but also that we can use people's interest in Barn Owls to increase environmental awareness. Thus the Trust's two-pronged approach "Conserving the Barn Owl and its Environment" was born.
Also known as: The Barn Owl Trust
Registration numbers: 1201419 (W), CE031023 (CH)