Scott Kirkman

Job Titles:
  • Auckland Office Manager & Director
Scott is a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor and Manager of our Auckland office. He has had over twenty years' experience in Surveying, Land Development and Project Management in New Zealand. Scott's experience covers a wide range of large scale projects including various high density and apartment developments within Hobsonville Point working with Ngai Tahu, the project management of Westgate Town Centre working for Auckland Transport and NZRPG and various large and small subdivisions throughout Auckland.

Vergne Wilson - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
A Registered Professional Surveyor, Vergne has 25 years' experience as a fully qualified surveyor and is a member of Consulting Surveyors of New Zealand. He is fully conversant with all aspects of land development including resource management planning, land development engineering, land transfer or cadastral surveying, project management, and strategy and acquisition. Having completed personal development projects, Vergne has a thorough understanding of developers' needs, with a particular focus on timeliness of delivery.