ELEVATE RAPID CITY - History of Changes

2025-02-06 delete about_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2025-02-06 delete career_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2025-02-06 delete management_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2024-12-05 delete person Alyssa Larkey
2024-12-05 delete person Dillon Matuska
2024-12-05 delete person Jason Wittenberg
2024-12-05 delete person Karissa Ellis
2024-12-05 insert about_pages_linkeddomain rapidcitybusinessjournal.com
2024-12-05 insert career_pages_linkeddomain rapidcitybusinessjournal.com
2024-12-05 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain rapidcitybusinessjournal.com
2024-12-05 insert index_pages_linkeddomain rapidcitybusinessjournal.com
2024-12-05 insert management_pages_linkeddomain rapidcitybusinessjournal.com
2024-12-05 insert person Bailey Sadowsky
2024-09-29 insert career_pages_linkeddomain topinterview.com
2024-09-29 insert person Drew Staufer
2024-07-26 delete otherexecutives Dew Bad Warrior-Gange
2024-07-26 delete otherexecutives Hani Shafai
2024-07-26 delete career_pages_linkeddomain topinterview.com
2024-07-26 delete index_pages_linkeddomain porchlight-services.com
2024-07-26 delete person Dew Bad Warrior-Gange
2024-07-26 delete person Hani Shafai
2024-07-26 delete person Maddie Bazala
2024-07-26 delete person Sydney Riendeau
2024-07-26 update person_title Reese Niu: Workforce Readiness & Equity Director => Workforce Planning Director
2024-07-26 update person_title Taylor Davis: Senior Community Development & Partnerships Director => Senior Workforce Development & Partnerships Director
2024-05-25 delete otherexecutives Brandon Lance
2024-05-25 delete otherexecutives Dr. Laurie Nichols
2024-05-25 delete otherexecutives Liz Hamburg
2024-05-25 delete otherexecutives Stacey Denke
2024-05-25 delete otherexecutives Stephanie Arrigo
2024-05-25 delete otherexecutives Todd Gagne
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Cale Fierro
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Chris Huber
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Chris Karn
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Erika Batcheller
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Holly Lien
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Nick Rogness
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Scott Reiman
2024-05-25 insert otherexecutives Steve Elliot
2024-05-25 delete index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-05-25 delete person Brandon Lance
2024-05-25 delete person Dr. Laurie Nichols
2024-05-25 delete person Liz Hamburg
2024-05-25 delete person Stacey Denke
2024-05-25 delete person Stephanie Arrigo
2024-05-25 delete person Todd Gagne
2024-05-25 insert career_pages_linkeddomain zendesk.com
2024-05-25 insert client_pages_linkeddomain zendesk.com
2024-05-25 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain visitrapidcity.com
2024-05-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain porchlight-services.com
2024-05-25 insert person Cale Fierro
2024-05-25 insert person Chris Huber
2024-05-25 insert person Chris Karn
2024-05-25 insert person Erika Batcheller
2024-05-25 insert person Holly Lien
2024-05-25 insert person Nick Rogness
2024-05-25 insert person Scott Reiman
2024-05-25 insert person Steve Elliot
2024-05-25 insert product_pages_linkeddomain zendesk.com
2024-05-25 update person_title Tom Weaver: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice - Chair of the Executive Committee => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice - Chair / Dacotah Bank
2024-03-09 delete otherexecutives Bill Evans
2024-03-09 delete otherexecutives Jason Collins
2024-03-09 delete otherexecutives Leah Braun
2024-03-09 delete otherexecutives Steve Allender
2024-03-09 insert otherexecutives Kevin Maher
2024-03-09 insert otherexecutives Lance Lehmann
2024-03-09 insert otherexecutives Lloyd LaCroix
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain businessinsider.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain carriemaldonado.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain carsonkohler.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain danielleelmers.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain forbes.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain jobvite.com
2024-03-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain topresume.com
2024-03-09 delete person Bill Evans
2024-03-09 delete person Jason Collins
2024-03-09 delete person Leah Braun
2024-03-09 delete person Steve Allender
2024-03-09 insert about_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2024-03-09 insert career_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2024-03-09 insert career_pages_linkeddomain topinterview.com
2024-03-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2024-03-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2024-03-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain joinsubscribe.com
2024-03-09 insert person Alyssa Larkey
2024-03-09 insert person Kevin Maher
2024-03-09 insert person Lance Lehmann
2024-03-09 insert person Lloyd LaCroix
2024-03-09 insert person Maddie Bazala
2024-03-09 update person_title Garth Wadsworth: Public Policy Director => Senior Public Policy Director
2024-03-09 update person_title Kallie Ruland: Business Retention and Expansion Manager => Elevate 's Business Development Manager; Business Development Manager
2024-03-09 update person_title Rachel Nelson: Events & Training Director => Events & Marketing Director
2024-03-09 update person_title Reese Niu: Workforce & Sustainability Manager => Workforce Readiness & Equity Director
2024-03-09 update person_title Sydney Riendeau: Digital Content Coordinator => Content Manager
2024-03-09 update person_title Taylor Davis: Senior Director, Community Development & Partnerships => Senior Community Development & Partnerships Director
2024-03-09 update person_title Tom Weaver: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice - Chair / First Interstate Bank => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice - Chair of the Executive Committee
2023-08-18 delete career_pages_linkeddomain topinterview.com
2023-08-18 delete person Becky Knox
2023-08-18 delete person Maggie Jean Wince
2023-08-18 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2023-08-18 insert person Dillon Matuska
2023-08-18 insert person Karissa Ellis
2023-08-18 insert person Sydney Riendeau
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Anjelica Sasse
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Ben Rogers
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Dr. Lori Simon
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Hannah Kelley
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Jim Haar
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives John Roberts
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Jon Gillam
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Kyle Richards
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Laura Armstrong
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Tom Weaver
2023-03-17 delete otherexecutives Vesta Wells Johnson
2023-03-17 insert coo Liz Highland
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Bill Evans
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Brad (Murdoc) Jurgensen
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Brad Hearst
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Dew Bad Warrior-Gange
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Gary Drewes
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Jason Collins
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Nicole Swigart
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Stacey Denke
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Stephanie Arrigo
2023-03-17 insert otherexecutives Zane Brink
2023-03-17 delete about_pages_linkeddomain accrisoft.com
2023-03-17 delete career_pages_linkeddomain accrisoft.com
2023-03-17 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain accrisoft.com
2023-03-17 delete index_pages_linkeddomain accrisoft.com
2023-03-17 delete management_pages_linkeddomain accrisoft.com
2023-03-17 delete person Anjelica Sasse
2023-03-17 delete person Ben Rogers
2023-03-17 delete person Dr. Lori Simon
2023-03-17 delete person Hannah Kelley
2023-03-17 delete person Jim Haar
2023-03-17 delete person John Roberts
2023-03-17 delete person Jon Gillam
2023-03-17 delete person Kyle Richards
2023-03-17 delete person Larissa Hespen
2023-03-17 delete person Laura Armstrong
2023-03-17 delete person Mitch Nachtigall
2023-03-17 delete person Vesta Wells Johnson
2023-03-17 insert person Ashley Simonson
2023-03-17 insert person Bill Evans
2023-03-17 insert person Brad (Murdoc) Jurgensen
2023-03-17 insert person Brad Hearst
2023-03-17 insert person Dew Bad Warrior-Gange
2023-03-17 insert person Gary Drewes
2023-03-17 insert person Jason Collins
2023-03-17 insert person Kallie Ruland
2023-03-17 insert person Nicole Swigart
2023-03-17 insert person Stacey Denke
2023-03-17 insert person Stephanie Arrigo
2023-03-17 insert person Taylor Davis
2023-03-17 insert person Zane Brink
2023-03-17 update person_description Maggie Jean Wince => Maggie Jean Wince
2023-03-17 update person_title Dennis Aanenson: Member of the Executive Committee; a & B Business; Member of the Board of Directors => Member of the Executive Committee; Member of the Board of Directors; a & B Business Solutions
2023-03-17 update person_title Garth Wadsworth: Public Policy Manager => Public Policy Director
2023-03-17 update person_title Laura Jones: Housing Coordinator => Housing & Community Development Manager
2023-03-17 update person_title Liz Highland: HR Coordinator & Office Manager => Operations Director
2023-03-17 update person_title Lori Frederick: Director of Economic Development => Senior Economic Development Director
2023-03-17 update person_title Rachel Nelson: Events & Training Manager => Events & Training Director
2023-03-17 update person_title Reese Niu: Workforce & Sustainability Coordinator => Workforce & Sustainability Manager
2023-03-17 update person_title Sarah White: Member of the Executive Committee; Member of the Board of Directors; SD Education Equity Coaltion => Member of the Executive Committee; Nsight Partner
2023-03-17 update person_title Shiloh Francis: Communications and Marketing Director => Senior Marketing & Communications Director
2023-03-17 update person_title Tom Weaver: Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / First Interstate Bank => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Vice - Chair / First Interstate Bank