Updated 46 days ago
- Age: 18 years
- ID: 51259229/19
45.6k followers San Francisco, CA is a collection of Java libraries and tools. - tools4j... Yes, we are building GitHub on GitHub. In fact, we've been doing this since October 19th, 2007. That's when we made our first commit. Since then we pushed over 2.5 million commits, opened over 1 million issues, submitted roughly 650k pull requests across 4357 repositories from over 50 countries. But that's just us. We are proud to be part of the work of millions of developers, companies and robots across the solar system. Yes, Robots!... The main branch is usually called . We want to work on another branch, so we can make a pull request and make changes safely. To get started, create a branch off of . Name it however you'd like - but we recommend naming branches based on the function or feature that will be the focus of this branch. One person may have several branches, and one branch may have several people collaborate on it - branches are for a purpose, not a person. Wherever you currently "are" (wherever..
Also known as: GitHub, Inc., tools4j