Updated 9 days ago
GPO Box 2999 CANBERRA ACT 2601
If you currently provide supplies to the mineral exploration sector of the Northern Territory, or have the ability to, we want you or your business to become a member of GEMSA NT. We will promote your available goods through our NT Services and Suppliers register and provide you access to a network of opportunities through our members-only Jobs Board. Help us to grow a strong minerals exploration sector in the Northern Territory... If you or your company are exploring in the Northern Territory, please consider becoming a member of GEMSA NT to help support and grow the local minerals exploration business sector in the Northern Territory, which ultimately benefits all of us. We want you to identify and contact NT Services and Suppliers via our register and if you do become a member, allow you to directly communicate with services and suppliers via our members-only Jobs Board. Help us grow a strong minerals exploration sector in the Northern Territory... GEMSA NT aims to support and..
Also known as: GEMSA
Registration numbers: 18 819 195 334 (W)