Updated 141 days ago
140 Tourmaline Circle Sacramento, CA 95834
Team California Basketball is a non-profit corporation, organized to assist students in developing life skills while preparing them for college. We recruit highly skilled student athletes with the intent of assisting them to mature into successful adults. Our goal is simple, we want to give students the best opportunity to succeed. The program is planned and implemented within an atmosphere of confidence so that parents will have the comfort of knowing that they can trust the future of their child with our organization... CAAA's core program, Higher Learning, offers comprehensive middle school and high school educational programming and support services. Throughout our programming, CAAA is relentless in our support of our student-athletes and we serve as a valuable resource to their families. We involve parents and family members in the Higher Learning program through frequent check-ins by phone or email, home and school visits, and informational workshops throughout the year. We also..
Also known as: Team California Basketball