Karoline Rütter

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Brand Strategist, Co - Founder
…anticipated at the age of three that being an ‘Interessiererin' (a person with manifold interests) would be the most appropriate profession for her. Professionally she lives this authentic career aspiration as self-employed brand strategist after participating in setting up the strategy consultancy diffferent. She appreciates dealing in depth with the arts, philosophy, literature or socio-political issues and bringing together interesting people in her salon. Within the ensemble she is building bridges between the spheres of the arts and the business world

Klaus Schwab

Job Titles:
  • Managing Partner of the Plan.Net
Klaus has been a Managing Partner of the group for digital communication since 2016.

Nika Wiedinger

… is a cultural scientist and researcher on economic philosophy, as well as the co-founder of the Institut für Wirtschaftsgestaltung (Institute for Philosophical Economics), a think tank for speculative thinking in Berlin. Her work for companies is based on philosophic skills; her lectures, seminars, and workshops are centered on the concept of the "Beautiful Economy." This idea, which was formulated in ancient Greece, has been a point of reference for transformative thinking and acting ever since. It follows an idea first put forth by Plato: Beautiful is that which has become itself.

Romas Stukenberg

Job Titles:
  • Creative Strategist, Co - Founder
...channels the diversity of creative disciplines to make them applicable and valuable for companies. After having studied Integrated Design in Bremen, Paris and Geneva, Romas co-founded NAMENAME Creative Partners. Romas also is alumnus of Amsterdam-based THNK School of Creative Leadership. His work is all about the quality of relationships between companies and people. Thereby he is a passionate advocate for cultivating a culture of purpose-led leadership and courageous thinking. Romas switches seamlessly between a head-in-the-clouds-mindset and a feet-on-the-ground-focus.

Simon Berkler

Job Titles:
  • Organisational Developer, Co - Founder a transformator at heart. He co-founded TheDive which helps companies to enter their next stage of development in terms of culture, collaboration and leadership. TheDive spearheads the transformation of the German business landscapes with a variety of projects and initiatives (such as Neue NarrativeMagazine). Simon's perspective reaches way beyond the mechanisms of economic growth. He cares deeply for a sensitive and holistic point of view in both business and society. Thereby he keeps bringing attention back to the responsibility of the individual.Simon has a wealth of experience when it comes to how to rethink structures and collaboration of organisations.