Updated 80 days ago
Innovation House Oxford Business Park John Smith Drive Oxford OX4 2JY
Oxford Innovation for Science and Technology (OXINNOTECH) is a science and technology-focused initiative, which empowers innovation in various sectors. Oxinnotech was established by highly skilled individuals from multi-disciplinary research backgrounds (ranging from engineering, biological sciences and IT through to law and business) with significant experience in industry and academia. The team collaborates with numerous reputable research centres and enterprises across the UK and Europe and is committed to providing excellence in research, development and technological capacities... Our mission is to help our partners and their organisations (start-ups, small and medium enterprises, academic institutions, research centres and technology entrepreneurs) translate their innovative ideas, concepts and scientific findings into new products and services, enabling them to improve their sustainability and benefit the society. We offer a number of solutions, from concept generation to..
Also known as: Oxinnotech Ltd.