FARSTE - History of Changes

2024-08-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain minder.foundation
2024-08-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain vwthemes.com
2024-06-23 delete founder Chris Moore
2024-06-23 delete managingdirector Chris Moore
2024-06-23 delete otherexecutives Chris Moore
2024-06-23 delete address ACN 673266843 PO Box 60 Red Hill Victoria Australia 3937
2024-06-23 delete person Cairns TAFE
2024-06-23 delete registration_number 52 602 580 432
2024-06-23 delete registration_number 63 673 266 843
2024-06-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2024-06-23 insert address PO Box 160 Corinda QLD 4075 PO Box 60 Red Hill Victoria 3937
2024-06-23 insert alias FARSTE Pty Ltd
2024-06-23 insert career_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2024-06-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2024-06-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2024-06-23 insert phone 676 698 810
2024-06-23 update person_description Chris Moore => Chris Moore
2024-06-23 update person_title Chris Moore: Founder; Managing Director; Head of Design => Engineer / Inventor / Founder
2024-06-23 update person_title Natalie Moore: CEO and Head of Training and Indigenous Participation => CEO and Head of Training and Aboriginal Participation
2024-06-23 update primary_contact ACN 673266843 PO Box 60 Red Hill Victoria Australia 3937 => PO Box 160 Corinda QLD 4075 PO Box 60 Red Hill Victoria 3937
2024-03-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2024-03-13 insert address ACN 673266843 PO Box 60 Red Hill Victoria Australia 3937
2024-03-13 insert index_pages_linkeddomain minder.foundation
2023-09-19 delete about_pages_linkeddomain thinkupthemes.com
2023-09-19 delete address PO Box 60 Red Hill, Victoria, Australia 4059
2023-09-19 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain thinkupthemes.com
2023-09-19 delete index_pages_linkeddomain restofworld.org
2023-09-19 delete index_pages_linkeddomain thinkupthemes.com
2023-09-19 delete investor_pages_linkeddomain thinkupthemes.com
2023-09-19 insert address PO Box 60 Red Hill, Victoria, Australia 3937
2023-06-18 insert registration_number 52 602 580 432
2023-03-20 insert address PO Box 160 corinda QLD 4075 Premises: Oxley, QLD 4075
2023-03-20 insert phone +61 (0)459 343 698