Updated 875 days ago
3315 Broad Street Chattanooga, TN 37408
The goal of the Survivor Fund is to create a strong, secure, perpetual offering when tragedies occur. To achieve this, the museum has created a continuing supporter program in addition to its regular fundraising efforts. Through this pledge drive, any person, company or organization can make a pledge to the Survivor Fund for each tragedy-related payout. By doing so, the Survivor Fund is able to notify those who pledged when these tragedies occur, thus maintaining awareness within the industry and ensuring roadside safety remains in the discussions of towing companies nationwide. Additionally, the pledge drive allows the Survivor Fund to predict the amount that will come in from pledges associated with each event, which has allowed a continued increase in the benefits to industry families... Through fundraising efforts and the generosity of corporations, individuals and industry associations, the Survivor Fund began providing support for families in 2007 and continues to do so in these..
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