Rhiannon Hopley

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
  • Artistic Associate
  • History
Rhiannon is currently an Artistic Associate and Lead of Digital Initiatives for Micro Galleries. Micro Galleries is an independent, free, socially conscious global initiative, social impact project and virtual creative hub that uses art as a vehicle to create positive change in small and creative ways for communities and into spaces making art more accessible. She is also on the all-female editorial team of MGZ - Micro Galleries Zine which showcases artists and creative change-makers from around the world. In 2020 she was nominated and selected as a member of the Inner West Council Arts and Culture Advisory Committee. Through working with the committee, she endeavours to assist with rebuilding post-Covid, to create and facilitate more opportunities and support for artists and creatives within Sydney's Inner West. Rhiannon began professionally shooting soon after high school, where she graduated first place, receiving excellence in photography. Establishing herself within the live music scene, she was initially shooting gigs on 35mm film, in dark lit venues from both the media pit and in the thick of the mosh pit, covering both local and international musicians. Before moving primary to digital, she hand-developed and processed her photos. Rhiannon was trained by both Kodak and Fuji Film on the advanced technical operation and maintenance of photo minilab machines, correct processing and accurate colour correction, which has influenced her post-processing processes for digital editing and retouching. In 2012, Rhiannon graduated with first place in the Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design & Communications, receiving high distinctions in all subjects. Rhiannon has been published and exhibited both nationally and internationally. She was awarded First Prize in photography for Gosford Art Prize in 2013 and Commended for the main prize in 2015.