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Distributed SQL databases are shaking up the decades-old regime of traditional RDBMS. Why? Because it is time to modernize your database to meet the demands of cloud native applications!... Join us at Distributed SQL Summit (DSS) - an open..

Relevance: 81.65319
DSS 2022 is a hybrid of events. We have a full-day virtual event on September 14th followed by regional in-person events in North America, Europe, and Asia. Each one will feature different speakers and topics... Join us for DSS (September 14, 2022),..

Relevance: 81.503555
DSS 2022 is a hybrid of events. We conducted a full-day virtual event on September 14th... Join us for DSS (September 14, 2022), a free online conference to push the boundaries of cloud native RDBMS...

Relevance: 81.503555
Distributed SQL is a revolutionary category of databases for building mission-critical, cloud native applications... Join us for the Distributed SQL Summit-a place to discuss, collaborate, share ideas, and learn from fellow app developers and..

Relevance: 79.63518
* We are excited to bring together the Kubernetes community for live distributed SQL discussions and technical workshops with app developers and database practitioners... Join us for the Distributed SQL Summit-a place to discuss, collaborate, share..

Relevance: 78.47675

Relevance: 27.4416