Updated 87 days ago
Welcome to BioMolViz! We are a team of educators, assessment experts, and biomolecular visualization enthusiasts working to promote visual literacy. Our current NSF-funded project focuses on developing high-quality biomolecular visualization assessments for instructors to use in their classrooms. Through our workshops, we are producing team-written, peer reviewed assessments for evaluating students' visual literacy... Since 2013, BioMolViz has been working to advance BMV instruction. Over the course of this work, faculty from 20 institutions have participated in project leadership through the steering committee, and we have engaged nearly 200 faculty through workshops, program training sessions, and working groups. Our first major product, the Biomolecular Visualization Framework (Dries et al. 2017) defined 12 overarching themes, partitioned into learning goals and testable objectives. One year of seed funding, awarded under the directorship of Dries, supported five one-day workshops..