Updated 295 days ago
- Age: 95 years
- ID: 50678641/15
600 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME USA 04609
Empowering the biomedical research community is central to our mission. Our mentorship and education programs inspire and advance students at all stages of their careers. Scientists from more than 2,000 organizations in 64 countries rely on JAX research tools and data resources, mouse models and services. And with least 26 Nobel Prizes associated with our work, JAX is accelerating scientific research, drug development and patient care around the world... Here at JAX, we are bridging the gap between mouse and human data to drive biological discovery and accelerate translation to the clinic. With the latest equipment, methodologies and best-in-class core services, our highly collaborative and diverse research teams are overcoming long-standing challenges in a variety of research and disease areas... At The Jackson Laboratory, we have all of these critical components. We are leveraging our expertise, our tools, our scale and our passion to decipher genomic complexity and shape a new era..
Also known as: The Jackson Laboratory
Associated domains: bhcardiacw.com, cancer-avatar.com, cancer-avatar.us, cc.jax.org, crisprfortranslationalresearch.com, jacksonlaboratory.org.uk, jaxgenomicmedicine.me, jaxlabs.org.uk, jaxlegacy.org, jaxmice.jax.org, mcgimaine.org, mcgime.org, mouseavatar.us, tomorrowscures.com, tomorrowscures.org