Updated 38 days ago
We believe that everyone is a partner in developing solutions that will make a lasting impact on human well-being. Together, we work with partners who share our ideals and drive to fight for a cleaner energy future. With that in mind, we are committed to increasing our team of employees, business activities, and client base that help us grow and help us deliver on our vision... We are a team made up of experienced, passionate developers, designers and engineers. We are in it together. We are a team of smart, passionate individuals who are committed to our community and to the future of our planet. Our team has over 20 years of proven experience in the renewable energy field and we are committed to helping our community and the world transition to a greener future together. We are a group of friends who love to create and share creativity. We have all built business projects together... Renewable energy resources are the best energy sources, nature can offer to mankind. And USGS in..