Updated 2 days ago
- Age: 22 years
- ID: 50528313/24
Recycling Avenue BV Molengraaffsingel 12-14 2629 JD Delft The Netherlands
Recycling Avenue is a spin-off company of the Delft University of Technology and it is located on the university campus...
Prompted by these conclusions, Recycling Avenue has recently acquired a unique and proven solvent-based technology. We are now developing our first 3.000 ton/a demo plant to recycle ABS and HIPS from, e.g., WEEE, car scrap and construction & demolition waste for closed-loop applications. We invite partners to join our project, as we believe that strategic partnerships between key players in the value chain are important for closed-loop recycling...
We are dedicated to developing and implementing cutting-edge technologies that enable closed-loop recycling of waste plastics.
Also known as: Recycling Avenue BV