Updated 31 days ago
51, Bypass Road Denkanikottai, Krishangiri- Tamilnadu . INDIA
RDC is committed to facilitate the empowerment process of the most deplorable social groups of adivasis and dalits towards establishment of Self Governance, Ownership and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, with emphasis on People Centered Sustainable Development, micro action research for evidence-based advocacy, revival of traditional knowledge and practices and, collective actions to protect forest and natural resources... RDC has been formed by activists who are committed to the social justice, empowerment of traditional, most marginalized communities and creating a lasting social change in the living and working conditions of vulnerable and most deplorable social groups. These activists who have taken up Adivasi and Dalit communities' issues and struggles on the ground and engaged in social action for over many years, have formed this organization in order to respond to social, political, cultural and economic , injustices, violations and issues. Their core strategies..