LUXE LASER - Key Persons

Amber Davis

Amber was born and raised in Oregon. She has been a practicing esthetician since 2019, then pursued a career in the medical field before receiving her Certified Advanced Aesthetician license at Aesthetics Institute of Portland. Amber joined our team in 2021. Amber's favorite treatment to perform is hair removal and she loves getting to know her clients as they make progress towards their goals. In her free time, you can find Amber mountain biking most of the year or spending time with her family on adventures.

Karime Luna

Job Titles:
  • Virtual Receptionist
Karime (or Kari) Luna is from the Valley of the sun, Arizona! She has over 15 years of customer service experience and 5 years of management experience. She is passionate about creating exceptional support and positive experiences for our customers. Bilingual in English and Spanish, she connects effortlessly with a diverse range of clients and colleagues. Outside of work she enjoys camping and immersing herself in nature. She loves thrifting with her daughter and has a passion for plants and collecting vinyl records, blending her appreciation for the outdoors with a knack for discovering unique treasures.

Manuela Portinari

Manuela Portinari also known as Manu is a Certified Advanced Esthetician whose passion stems from her own frustrations with her skin. She has over seven years of experience working in the aesthetics industry and attended Northwest College of Beauty to learn advanced techniques in order to produce better results for her clients. She joined our team in 2020. Manuela likes the simple things; on her down time, you can find her relaxing outside on her patio with her cats Juno & Jupiter or hiking trails in the Pacific Northwest.

Marina Lueschen

Marina Lueschen, a native Californian, switched from a career in fashion to operating cosmetic lasers as an Advanced Esthetician. Marina is a graduate of Spectrum Advanced Aesthetics Institute, where she became addicted to delivering effective results for her clients. She believes that part of what makes lasers fun is the variety of skin issues that can be corrected-every day is different! On her off-time, Marina enjoys reading a good book, sewing or cuddling with her new baby girl.

RaeAnna Lawton

RaeAnna Lawton is a graduate of Spectrum Advanced Aesthetics Institute where she trained to become a Certified Advanced Esthetician. As a licensed esthetician for over a decade she's worked at various places honing her skills. RaeAnna has an impeccable attention to detail which helps deliver the best results for her clients. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and traveling to the beautiful Oregon coast.