Updated 831 days ago
1139 Budapest Szent István boulvard 18. 3.floor
Even if you are a law-abiding citizen, unfortunately life can bring unforeseen scenarios. However, the most important thing in these certain situations is to know the right people, who would do everything possible to help you according to their best knowledge. This is exactly what we offer you by providing our legal services, which go back a successful decade at the field of criminal law... If you are reported to the police or being accused, if you happen to be a victim of a crime and you do not know the Hungarian criminal justice system, in case there is nobody to represent you in court, we are here to help you... We provide an all over defense to you, either you are the victim or the accused of a case. Do NOT ever make a confession without consulting a legal attorney! It is highly important to have a legal practitioner with you, already at the stage of the police operation, who can prepare you for the process of being questioned, inform you about your rights and legal possibilities..