CAR-BON - Key Persons

Baris Dilaver

Job Titles:
  • Government and Stakeholder Manager & Communications
Baris has many years of experience in Federal Government and brings a diverse set of advocacy skills. He has helped craft, analyse, manage and communicate complex federal policy initiatives with tight deadlines, that often-impacted millions of Australians. Baris is also experienced in providing important strategic advice to a wide variety of national stakeholders. He continues to develop and maintain productive relationships across the political spectrum, with state & federal representatives, government departments and agencies.

Carol Wallbank - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
  • Executive General Manager
With more than 25 years' experience in marketing, partnerships, ESG, financial services and business development for start ups and corporate companies, Carol is responsible for the delivery and implementation of CarBon's strategy. Having owned her own businesses, Carol is acutely aware of the importance of compliance and risk management, and has completed an MBA. She has a keen interest in developing and growing businesses (both her own and those of others), enjoys giving time to various not for profits and is known as the ‘go-to' person in various business networks. In her spare time, Carol enjoys socialising and enjoying her life with family and friends, and occasionally you'll find her on the golf course.

Henry Thong - CFO

Job Titles:
  • CFO
Henry Thong FCPA MBA GAICD joins CarBon with over 25 years' experience in financial management and governance. He has successfully run his own consulting practice Keystone Advisors for several years and provided his clientele with executive support in the areas of financial management, strategy and special projects. His clientele spans across multiple industries, particularly those companies in the start-up and high growth phase. Henry has previously held Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretarial roles in ASK listed companies, as well as senior finance roles in Government and the private unlisted space. Outside of work, Henry enjoys good food, cycling, travel and photography.

Raphael Abadi

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager - Novated Leases
Raphael brings a passion for Renewable Energy and a knowledge of Electric Vehicles to the CarBon Team. With experience in the HVAC and Energy industries, Raphael looks forward to assisting in the decarbonisation of the transport industry and helping people understand the benefits of Zero Emission Vehicles. His background in Mechanical Engineering has inspired him to gain a better understanding of the latest Renewable Energy Technologies and a desire to help Australia reach a Sustainable Future.

Scott Gillespie - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • CarBon 's CEO and Founder
As CarBon's CEO and Founder, Scott is passionate about the decarbonisation of transportation. Having previously founded and operated a large national transportation company, Scott has spent extensive time researching cleaner ways of transporting both goods and people. Now, Scott can share his passion with others and help them decarbonise their own transportation. He believes it is important to educate and support people through this transformation, which is an exciting time for everyone. Outside of work, Scott likes to instruct cycling and get out amongst nature. Scott is also MBA qualified.

Tracey McMaster

Job Titles:
  • CarBon 's National Business Development Manager
As CarBon's National Business Development Manager, Tracey brings a wealth of knowledge and over 25 years' experience in business development, sales and marketing, and customer success roles, across a wide number of industries such as fleet management, telematics, and hotel management. Known as the ‘Connector of People', Tracey loves to network so make sure you hit her up for a coffee. Tracey also loves to see her customers be successful, and is always open to hearing all about where you are at in your sustainability and net zero emissions journey, so she can better assist you to strategise and recommend how CarBon can support you to meet those goals. In her spare time, you will find Tracey walking, running or paddle boarding around the Swan River, hiking in the Perth hills, or enjoying a fine Margaret River wine!

Zoheb Hussain

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager - NSW
Zoheb has joined the team at CarBon with extensive experience in the leasing Industry. Zoheb's experience ranges from operating and novated to short term rentals, in both and operating and management capacity. Over time, Zoheb has forged strong relationships with his client and industry peers and will be an integral part of your sustainability journey towards a new zero emissions future. In his role, Zoheb will take a hands-on approach and work with you to create a bespoke plan of action based on your industry and needs. Outside of work, Zoheb enjoys good food, wine and is an avid gym enthusiast.