Paulo Coelho

When contemplating about what thrills me and challenges me the most on a new cultural journey, the more I realize the truth behind Coelho's quote: "Travel is never a matter of money but of courage". Undoubtedly it takes a certain amount of courage to harrow down the road less traveled and follow one's heart. Traveling outside of my comfort zone took courage whether it was a solo journey, a joint venture, or a large group tour. Even as I plan out my next journey, fear of the unknown tend to create doubtful thoughts. Doubts like are you sure that is the right time to travel? Do you really want to travel alone to an unfamiliar place? What will your friends or loved one think? Can you travel safely and have an amazing experience? Or what if something unfavorable happens, then who would help me?… There are countless amounts of other concerns that can raise doubts and I have noticed that the monetary "price" of the journey is simply another concern. Money was the excuse to finally talk myself out of and dis miss a new expedition to a place that I have always wanted to visit. After a decade of traveling I have learned to strengthen my courage and build the confidence to travel by equipping myself with the proper know how. As a researcher, I have learned some of the best advice and witnessed the haphazard of blissful ignorance for traveling. Satisfying my numerous yet valid concerns by discovering answers via research and solutions became so exciting to me that it rivaled the excitement of actually being on the trip. I tend to feel more and more satisfied about my travel plans when I am equipped with proper precautions, information, and sufficient provisions. Throughout my blog I will be sharing my experiences and providing advice in hopes of encouraging you to tap into your "wanderful" desires to expand your world.