Updated 59 days ago
P.O. Box 348 Clarksville, New York 12041
Anam Circle is an interdisciplinary, community-based ecosocial think tank and innovation lab that provides policy analysis and research for community groups and local governments in the Greater Capital District of New York. We provide thought leadership, policy analysis, applied problem solving, policy innovations, community assessments, research, strategic planning, future scenario planning, tabletop exercises, and community education to advance sustainability and resilience in local urban, rural and coastal communities... Anam Circle is an ecoregional network of public policy fellows and analysts who collaboratively conduct social-ecological research, perform analysis, develop models and tools, and generate policy briefs and reports that address many of today's most critical issues... Anam Circle provides thought leadership, policy analysis, research, and community education to prepare local communities for the transition to social and ecological sustainability in the Age of the..