Updated 937 days ago
We accomplish this mission by subsidizing fees associated with the game, for example, ice time cost, equipment, and dues associated with recreational play. We also raise funds to introduce the game of hockey to first responders through Try Hockey for Free initiatives. Mental Health resources are also available to any member wishing assistance, and this is made possible by partnerships to the club established by the Sentinels' Board of Directors (comprised of first responders as well)... This sponsorship helps keep us on the ice and the club looking good while doing it. Hockey can be costly and while our first responders understand the costs, times can be tight making sure their own families are priority. This sponsorship makes sure that no matter the financial situation a current or prospective player may find themselves in, hockey can still be apart of their lives. We assist not only if their equipment is insufficient or no longer safe to use, but we also help pay dues for league..