1789 FUND
Updated 882 days ago
The 1789 Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the United States of America. We are comprised of public health professionals, registered nurses, physicians and financial management experts dedicated to improving the health of mothers and newborns in underserved populations. The 1789 Fund works in some of the world's most vulnerable nations to decrease the number of mothers and newborns dying in pregnancy and childbirth... At the 1789 Fund, we are committed to making the world a safer place for mothers and newborns. We believe that in order to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality, it is essential to simultaneously focus on poverty and gender inequality and its direct effect on health outcomes. We are investing in women and girls through supporting women's cooperatives and initiating health system capacity-building programs in developing nations. We firmly believe gender inequality and women's socioeconomic status significantly impact the overall health of women and..
Also known as: The 1789 Fund