Beth Gregory

Job Titles:
  • Director and Pre - K Teacher
Beth has worked in the Early Care & Education field since 1981. She opened St. Alban's Day School in 2004. Although she greatly enjoys her position as Director, we all know her heart is in teaching!

Kathy Morrison

Kathy is the Pre-K Teacher and Staff Member in Charge at St. Alban's. She has worked with the Pre-K students here since 2004. Ms. Kathy has a unique gift of understanding the children's unspoken emotions and making them feel at ease.

Les Gregory

Les Les is our maintenance/snack helper here at the school. He tidies the playground every day, sets up activities for the children, and makes nutritious snacks.

Maggie Morrison

Maggie is the lead teacher in our two year old program. Maggie graduates this year with her degree in Early Childhood Education, but has been with St. Alban's as a Teacher Assistant since 2017. Maggie has a special gift for working with our youngest children!

Rachael Allen

Rachael teaches our three year old children. She has many years of experience teaching young children as well as being a director in high quality, local schools. Rachael holds a degree in Early Childhood Education. We are so blessed to have Rachael join our team with her extensive knowledge and gentle ways!