Updated 864 days ago
2200 Ringling Boulevard, Sarasota, Florida 34237, United States
Our program utilizes a pragmatic approach to deliver current and relevant information to enhance the knowledge of opioids abuse, addiction, and overdose. It focuses on origination, sense of self, and building strong coping and resiliency skills. It includes the social -emotional learning skills needed to promote the social norms that protect against drug abuse... We are committed to bringing drug prevention back to the core of our beings. The core is always there, it's where you originated from all that time ago: your emotional core is joy; your mental core is knowing; your physical core is ease; your spiritual core is liberation. The journey produces the lessons through which you must now learn with your life each day. Positively Positive... Whether you're looking for a full education course on opioids, mental health wellness, human trafficking, or brief education for parents or caregivers in the community, we are here help you!. All of our courses are customizable for you and help..