Updated 157 days ago
- Age: 51 years
- ID: 49985757/22
5153 Isla Key Blvd South, Unit 310 St. Petersburg, FL 33715
JAK Tire is dedicated to importing safe, high quality tires from all over the world at the best possible prices. JAK Tire employs a full-time, highly qualified, experienced tire engineer who specifies safety and performance characteristics of tires imported by JAK. JAK does not and will not import any tire that is not pre-qualified by its engineer...
JAK Tire is obsessively dedicated to seeking the highest quality tires from manufacturers who will completely support their products, while also providing competitive pricing...
JAK Tire was founded in 1973 by Richard Kuskin. Kuskin began importing tires from Korea while still a student at Stevens Institute of Technology. JAK has imported tires from Korea, Thailand, the former Yugoslavia, and China. JAK has imported tires in all categories except for aviation tires. JAK owns in excess of 400 tire molds from which more than 150 different types of tires are produced.
Also known as: JAK, JAK Tire Inc., JAK Tires