ANTONELA - Key Persons

Antonela M. Mandic

John Pierrakos

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Core Energetics
John Pierrakos - founder of Core Energetics; Eva Pierrakos - Pathwork lectures; Carl Gustav Jung; David Schnarch - couple therapist and author of Exceptional Marriage; Peter Levine - founder of Somatic Experience; Stephen Johnson - author and theoretician of psychotherapy; Stephen Kessler - author; Gabrielle Roth - dancer and creator of 5 Rhythms; Eric Berne - founder of transactional analysis; Richard C. Schwartz - founder of Internal Family Systems; Jelena Mavrovic - founder of Centre for Eating Disorders BEA; John O'Donohue and all my teachers at the Netherlands Institute for Core Energetics. I am deeply grateful for your work.