Updated 25 days ago
- Age: 78 years
- ID: 49548460/26
The School is owned and run by Loyola Jamshedpur, a registered society which also constitutes the Governing body of the School. The responsibility for the day to day running of the school is vested in the school administration.Loyola receives no Government or private aid, and fees are its only income. Hence, fees have to be adjusted from time to time to keep up with rising costs and salaries.As a Catholic school, Loyola has for its inspiration and guidance, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Special attention is paid to faith formation of the Catholic students, through weekly religion classes, option to attend the Mass when it is celebrated, recollections and the annual retreat... Loyola offers to its students a wide and varied collection of various sports. Cricket, football, basketball, volleyball and handball are available on the campus itself. Loyoleans have also won laurels for the school in golf, swimming, martial arts, badminton, horse riding, motorcycling and various..