EDGEPRO ANALYTICS - History of Changes

2024-03-10 delete coo Cheryl Moore
2024-03-10 delete otherexecutives Ryan Salter
2024-03-10 insert coo Josh Ponsano
2024-03-10 insert cto Nirav Vibhakar
2024-03-10 delete person Cheryl Moore
2024-03-10 delete person Jamie Mott
2024-03-10 delete person Ryan Salter
2024-03-10 insert person Colin Carr
2024-03-10 insert person Nirav Vibhakar
2024-03-10 update person_description Carissa Dunphy => Carissa Dunphy
2024-03-10 update person_title Josh Ponsano: CFO; Member of the Leadership Team => CFO; Member of the GPN Leadership Team; COO
2023-01-31 insert person Mile Brujic