Jasen Masek

Job Titles:
  • Building Biology Environmental Consultant and Electro - Magnetic Radiation Specialist
I have always been excited about technology. I received my diploma in Audio Engineering in 2003, and quickly became a residential technology specialist. I worked on every form of tech in the home - networks, audio, television and security. I worked for some of the top residential tech firms in Vancouver and I witnessed the evolution of TV from Tube to plasma and then to LCD. I watched the rapid advancement of wireless technology and automation and saw how it benefited homes For 13 years I kept crossing potential illnesses off of my list. What was clear to me was I could not focus using a computer longer than an hour, I felt brain fog when using a cell phone and I was nauseated when spending too much time in these vast new homes. I discovered that I am electrically and chemically sensitive. I then completed the certification on Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist and Building Biology Consultant with the International Institute of Building Biology and Ecology I am here to help educate and remove the toxic elements of your home and workplace.