Filip Łukaszewski

Job Titles:
  • President of the Management Board

Grzegorz Arkadiusz Czarnecki

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Supervisory Board
A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, majoring in economics, at the Faculty of Economics and Agriculture. Since 2005, he has been running his own business under the name TANIEGRY.PL, where his responsibilities include, among others: selecting the assortment for the offer consisting of several thousand computer games, establishing a pricing policy based on a very diverse margin, building strategic relationships with key customers and suppliers, building the brand and image of the company on the market and implementing innovations that improve the company's work. Currently, he holds the position of the President of the Management Board in Black Mirror sp. z o.o., as well as a Member of the Supervisory Board in companies from the PlayWay S.A. Capital Group. (significant shareholder of Ultimate Games S.A.), Duality S.A. and Big Flat Potato S.A.

Krzysztof Markowski

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board
A graduate of political science at the University of Communication and Social Media. Giedroyc in Warsaw. Since 1995 he has been associated with the advertising industry. Mr. Krzysztof Markowski gained experience in several publishing houses, for example Agora S.A., where he managed a dozen or so advertising department. Since 2011, he has been the owner of an advertising agency that operates in the digital and OOH (outdoor advertising) industries.